Pengenalan bahasa kod HTML

Orang selalu fikir,membuat laman web/website itu terlalu susah.Itu tidak menjadi hal!!!! Sesiapa pun boleh mempelajari cara-cara membuat laman web. And if you read on, you will have made one in just one hour.

Others believe - just as mistakenly - that expensive and advanced software is needed to make websites. It is true that there are lots of different programs that claim they can create a website for you. Some come closer than others. But if you want it done right, you must do it yourself. Fortunately, it is simple and free and you already have all the software you need.

The aim of this tutorial is to give you an easy, yet thorough and correct introduction to how to make websites. The tutorial starts from scratch and requires absolutely no prior knowledge of programming.

The tutorial cannot show you everything. So some engagement and a will to experiment are required. But don't worry - learning how to make websites is a lot of fun and gives a tremendous amount of satisfaction when you get it right.

Terpulang kepada kamu untuk bagaimana cara pembelajaran kamu yang inginkan.Tapi saya syorkan kepada kamu,untuk hanya baca 2 atau 3 pembelajaran untuk sehari dan ambil masa untuk membuat ujikaji dengan sesuatu yang baru telah kamu pelajari.

Okay, cukup sampai disini saya berleter. Mari mulakan pembelajaran kita!

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Read this doc on Scribd: RUGER® SP101®